Monday, October 29, 2007


Rhoderick D. Ice

[This is a fictionlized account of events in Vinton, Ohio, in the early 1930s. I have tried to be accurate to the memory of K.C. & Rosa Ice, my grandparents. RDI]

"Tomorrow is Sunday. Where will we go to church?"

"Rosa, dear, we could try the Church of Christ here in town. Gallipolis is too far away."

"Do you know anything about them, K.C.?"

"Not much. Now, I've met the Rev. Brother Ed Harris of the Methodist Church. He came in when I was getting my office set up. He said we surely need a new doctor in town. Said I would have many patients coming to me."

"Who is the Church of Christ preacher?"

"I understand they don't have one. Jimmy Freshcorn, the Constable, is a member there. He said they believe in mutual edification, whatever that means. They don't have Sunday School or any other service than Sunday morning."

"Are all the Churches of Christ like that?"

"None of them were back in northern Ohio. At least that I knew about."

"Well, I suppose if we are going to live here in Vinton, we need to be part of this community. And Gallipolis is several miles away over bad roads."

Sunday morning the Ices walked a block and a half down the street to the small concrete block Church of Christ. Jimmy Freshcorn met them at the door.

"Doctor and Mrs. Ice! We are so pleased to have you visit us this morning. Come on in!"

"Folks, this is Doctor and Mrs. K. C. Ice. They are new here in Vinton. He is the new medical doctor just moved to town."

Jimmy proceeded to introduce the Ices to everyone. "This is Everett Wood, who owns the Grocery Store, and his son Hank who runs it. And Olga, Hank's wife. You know Wilda Sims, who runs the restaurant. She's Everett's daughter. Her husband, Willie, runs the garage here in town. He will be along in a few minutes. And of course my wife, Helen."

The Ices spent a few minutes getting acquainted with everyone and making themselves known.

Meanwhile Willie came in, along with two children.

Everyone took a seat on one of the folding chairs.

Jimmy walked to the front and held up a songbook.

"Let's begin our worship with 'Shall We Gather At The River,' number 51."

Jimmy sounded the pitch, and they all began singing with enthusiasm.

After singing two songs, Jimmy called on Everett Wood to lead a prayer. Everyone remained seated. Jimmy sat down also.

"Our Father in heaven, we ask Thy blessings on this little band of disciples which meets here from time to time. We have gathered together to let others know there are a few who work to do Thy will. Bless the sick and all those who were providentially hindered from coming here today. We pray that we may always be free to come and worship in spirit and in truth. We ask Thy help in living a holy life, although we are to do the best we can ourselves. Forgive all our unforgiven sins, and may we be worthy to be saved. In the Holy Name of Jesus we pray. Amen."

Jimmy stood up. "Thank you, Everett, for that good prayer. Now let us sing another song. Number 100, 'All Creatures That On Earth Do Dwell.'"

Following the song, Jimmy said, "I will lead off with a few words of edification. Then Everett will have a few words, then Hank, and Willie. And Doctor Ice, perhaps you would say a few words of encouragement."

Jimmy then spoke: "Friends, Peter said in Acts 2:38, 'Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.' You can't be saved by faith only. You got to be baptized for the remission of sins. We want everyone here in Vinton to know we stand for the truth. You can't get to heaven without you be baptized."

Then Everett stood up where he was and began speaking. "Friends, we got to worship in spirit and truth, just like Jesus told that woman at the well. We just sing with the spirit and the understanding, like Paul said. We don't sing and play. We just sing, like it says. The whole town knows we stand for the truth. We are doing our good works and they must glorify God because of it."

Then Hank stood up. "Friends, Paul told Titus about the washing of regeneration. I was baptized and the water washed my sins away. Jesus suffered on that cross and sweat great drops as it were of blood. I mean... that was in the garden. The sword pierced Jesus' side and blood and water came forth. Jesus made it possible to work out our salvation with fear and trembling."

Then Willie stood up. "Friends, I can fix a car, but I don't speak too good. But I did obey the gospel and I was baptized in the river. I know Jesus suffered and died. And I hope to be worthy to be saved."

Jimmy called out, from his seat: "Doctor Ice, would you say a few words now."

Doctor Ice stood up. "Friends, Jesus said in John 3:16 that God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son. It was the amazing love of God our Father that brought Jesus to our world. He died on the cross as God's Lamb, to take away sins by the sacrifice of Himself. And He rose to life the third day, to guarantee our own resurrection. I'm happy that Jesus is my Savior and that I have hope and forgiveness in Him!"

"Thank you, Dr. Ice," Jimmy said. "And now we will eat the Lord's Supper."

Willie came to the Lord's Table, a small folding table covered by a white cloth. On it were a circle of unleavened bread and a china cup containing homemade grape juice.

Willie spoke: "Let us remember how the Lord suffered. Just imagine His body lying up here on this table and the white cloth is His shroud. Let us pray: 'Our Father who are in Heaven, we thank Thee for the blood of the Cross. We don't want to eat and drink unworthily. We discern the body of Jesus. We pray in His name, Amen."

The group got up one by one and went to the table. Each pinched off a piece of the bread and ate it; then took a drink from the china cup.

After everyone had communed and sat down, Jimmy spoke again. "We are to give of our means. We are to lay by Him in store. Let each come to the table and lay down the gift."

Each came one by one and placed a coin or a bill on the white cloth beside the china cup.

"We have done our duty today," Jimmy said. "Hank, will you word the closing prayer."

"We have worshipped, Our Father; we have showed the world that we belong to the true church. Now go with us to our various homes, and bring us back again at the appointed time. In the Holy Name we pray, Amen."

Everyone shook hands as they walked out of the building. Some of the men stood in front of the church and lit cigars and pipes. Gradually everyone drifted away to their homes.

"Well, K.C., what do you think?"

"Rosa, it was different. I suppose we must take into account that this isn't northern Ohio. They are good people and we want to be part of this community."


Early Sunday morning K.C. & Rosa walked to the church-building for morning worship. [This church did not have Bible Classes and met only on Sunday morning.] Someone who was a stranger to them was standing at the door of the church. He appeared to be in his 70s and maybe 80.

The others were just arriving.

"I'm Dr. Ice, the medical doctor here in town. It's good to have you join us today."

"I'm Ford Morris. Glad to meet you. I do need a doctor from time to time."

Others joined in with their greetings and questions.

"Friends," he said, "I am just trying to remember how it was here sixty years ago. I have been out West, working in the oil wells, and even a cowboy at one time. But I am too old to do that any more. I just had to come back here to Vinton, where I was born and raised."

"You must be the one who just moved into the old Sims place," Wilda said.

"That's right. Grandmother on my mother's side of the family. Dad left here sixty years ago to follow the oil boom in Parkersburg. I was a lot younger then. I followed the oil boom on out West and made a good living for me and my family. The wife died some years back. I have a son in Oklahoma. But I could never forget Vinton."

It was now time and they all entered for worship. Jimmy Freshcorn led the songs. Everett Wood led the opening prayer. The worship service proceeded as usual, with everyone joining in with enthusiasm. Everett and Hank and Willie each gave their usual exhortation.

Dr. K. C. Ice gave the final exhortation, and then extended the invitation.

"Jesus sent His disciples out into the world with the everlasting Gospel. He that believeth and is baptized will be saved. We extend the invitation as we always do. Believe that Jesus died and rose to life again. Repent of your sins. Confess Jesus as Lord. Be buried with Him in baptism for the remissions of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. If anyone needs to do this, won't you come as we stand and sing our song."

Willy began singing: "Just As I Am Without One Plea."

As they were singing, Ford Morris walked up front.

K.C. took his hand, and said: "Mr. Morris, what can we do for you?"

"I want to be baptized into Christ. I have attended church off and on everywhere I have been over the years. But I always thought I should get my life in order first, and then I would be baptized. Now I am ready to turn myself over to the Lord and ask Him to save me."

K.C. then announced: "Ford Morris has come forward asking to be baptized into Christ. I have just one question to ask him, the one Philip asked the Eunuch. Ford Morris, do you believe that Jesus is the Christ?"

"I do. I really do believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. I wish that I had obeyed Him years ago, and I am sorry that I didn't do it. I am ready now!"

"God bless you for that noble confession. The angels in heaven are rejoicing over your faith in Christ."

"Willy, where do you do your baptizing?"

"Dr. Ice, we go down to the river bend where the water is always deep enough. We can go there now."

"I'm ready now. Just lead the way. These old clothes can get wet and dry out again. But I want to be right with God! I want to be baptized into Christ Jesus and be saved by Him!"

The little group walked just out of town and down to the river's edge.

"Dr. Ice," Willy said, "let me do the baptizing. I'm usually the one who does it, and you have your good clothes on."

Willy took Ford Morris' hand and they both walked out into the water until it was about chest high on them. Then they turned and faced the congregation.

Willy raised his hand up high. "Ford Morris has made the good confession of faith in Christ Jesus. And now, by the authority of Jesus Christ, I baptize you for the remission of your sins and for the gift of the Holy Ghost, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost."

Willy Sims then immersed Ford under the water and brought him up again.

Jimmie Freshcorn began singing "Oh Happy Day, When Jesus Washed My Sins Away."

Everyone joined in.

As Ford Morris came out of the water, each one reached out to him to shake his hand or to hug him. All were telling him how happy they were that he had 'obeyed the gospel.'

"I thank God," Ford said, "that I have finally been baptized in this old river and put right with God! And I am happy that I am back home here in Vinton. I hope to stay right here the rest of my life and be faithful to God."

"Let us pray," said Dr. Ice. "Lord, we have just witnessed the new birth of Ford Morris. We know You have forgiven him all his sins and translated him into the kingdom of Your Dear Son. We ask You now to bless him and use him to bless others. And bless all of us here today. We give You the praise and the glory and the honor, in Jesus' name, Amen"

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